Home Room

Well, come on in, and have a seat. Ah, you already have. Why are you here? Why am I? I have no idea–beyond possibly finding out something of the why in the doing, the way we find most things out, if not the WHYs, more of the whats.

Asking a question for which we have no answer, nor could have, at least in advance, may be reason enough to head somewhere where objectives are clearer–like re-filling bird feeders worked low during the morning raga.

For the birds, the question may seem to seem easier. “I am here for the rice…for the seed, for the scraps of potato, bread, fruit, egg & suet…” But exactly why they are–why you (the bird) would be–that’s another story.

All you might know is what you’d been given–the form, its needs, & ways to meet them, whether just following the instinctual muscle & pathway memory, or learning how & what from others of our kind, parents, the flock, whatever conditions & events are encountered.

Among what you’d been given–your short attention span (a walk-the-Planck second) might stand out, if you could grasp it–the immediate now always in transit, along with the days, weather, seasons, stages of life…the form itself, whether another “bird” within flying off, flying on, or not…. [7/7/2023]